

Community Players is committed to inclusive and color-conscious casting

People of all races, genders, and abilities are encouraged to audition

CP has an open door casting policy, meaning you do not need previous experience with us, or a special "in" to be cast. In fact we often cast performers the first time they auditions for us, and then they are hooked and can't stop themselves!


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Here are some tips on auditioning for CP:


  • Relax and have fun. Auditions do not have to be a painful process, just look at it as another chance to perform.
  • Come prepared to list all your schedule conflicts from the day of auditions until the closing performance of the show.
  • All of our auditions consist of “cold readings” from the scripts. That means you will be asked to read some of the dialogue from the show, sometimes with other people sometimes by yourself. Don’t worry if you stumble over words, we’re looking for energy and character choices, we assume you can read.
  • Relax and have fun.
  • It’s good to know a little about the show you are auditioning for. We have copies of the scripts for all our shows that can be checked out from the theatre.
  • For musicals we ask you to sing something, no longer than one minute. If we stop you during your song, it’s not because you have done poorly, we are simply trying to keep the auditions moving along in timely way.
  • When auditioning for a musical, it’s best to sing a song from a musical, but not the show you are auditioning for.
  • No karaoke tapes or CDs please. We don’t want to be held responsible if our tape player eats your tape.
  • Relax and have fun.
  • Sing with the piano. Everyone sounds better singing with accompaniment. If you don’t have the sheet music for your song, we have a large collection of show music you can look through.
  • Be courteous and professional. Remember you never get a second chance to make a first impression, and your audition lasts from the moment you walk in the auditorium until the moment you leave.
  • Did we mention relax and have fun?


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